Posts Tagged ‘evolution’

Take away

Posted: November 17, 2010 in Social Media
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(Bigmouth strikes again – The Smiths

I guess it was pretty obvious from the title but just in case… This post is about how the experience of listening to music has change owing to the mobile devices. Foremost about the “ mp3” devices. It is true that from the walkman music is mobile, but the way of listen music was not so flexible and more similar to the home devices.

As a listener and music lover the advantages are a lot, however from the point of view of the artists or the average person involved in the audio field or even as a person walking without headphones along the street the perspectives could be different. I will try to analyze a bit everything and a lot of nothing.

The possibility of listening to tons of new music in the spare moments of everyday’s life, mainly on your way to places, giving you a real chance to live in a videoclip. Also the real convergence that it implies, saving a separate music device and (this applies only if using the mobile phone) making the most of it in case you get no calls at all. Digital data moving easily between devices, you can consume music as an addict, fast, without pain, randomizing, changing song every 5 seconds, without attention, while doing other things.

In the meanwhile most of the artist and bands are still working on doing full albums, that only real fans or the odd one listen. Good songs vanish in the air and there are a lot of songs that are planned fast as well, from the start, knowing that only will last a couple of weeks in the music world. Fast music.

Anyway, recycle.

PS: I was thinking about to choose the placebo cover of the song, because it says “discman” instead of “walkman”, but even though was pretty old fashion so I put up with my first choice.

Update: I found it! Finally Joan of Arc got an “iPod“:).