Posts Tagged ‘ideas’

(All along the watchtower – Jimi Hendrix)–%20All%20Along%20The%20Watchtower.mp3″ As the final of the year gets closer and closer, people tends to start reviewing their achievements and promising to do in the future what they haven’t done. Instead, I prefer to go off at a tangent and let the things finish at its pace.

What do you (not) like about write in the blog?: I like to see the posts finished and the blog growing but the weekly topic usually becomes a nightmare.

Something that you would prefer to be doing right now instead: Sit on a bench and eat “pipas” (= sunflower seeds) under the sun, no matter the cold.

In my opinion the post should end in here. BIG full-stop.

However, I will continue with my nihilist writing.

It is incredible how easy is to fool any living being and how absurd seem to be some programmed mechanisms when out of their normal working. As an example of this I remember the ants, that usually bury any dead ant they find since they can detect the oleic acid secreted by the carcass. Clever mechanism. However spreading the same acid on an alive ant the other ants would try to bury it repeatedly despite it offers resistance. Not so clever…

In my opinion the post should end in here. BIG full-stop.

Suppose that you live in a second floor, your windows are filthy and you will require the service of a professional window cleaner. Here arises a huge dilemma: whom to hire? A cleaner with the massive telescopic handle? (like the one who reaches the top of Maxwell Hall from the floor) or a fearless one who hangs with an harness?.

Maybe with the telescopic device some spots got away from the cleaner in spite of having a wonderfull eyesight but at the same time probably a climber window cleaner is a bit excessive for a second floor. A ladder? Scaffolding? To change the windows?

(Stones – Sonic Youth)–%20Stones.mp3″

Copyright makes you live in fear.

Some years ago, copyright did not usually hang around your daily live. One day you wake up feeling creative. In the past you would cut out a photo from the newspaper, stick it on a completely different photo and maybe even draw some funny complement on it. This collage, of which you were very proud, would remain exposed in your kitchen for a long time. No matter of whom is the photo or what you did, your life was safe.

However nowadays everybody’s life is a bit more public and every little action is apt to have lot of repercussion. In a network world, things are more unpredictable than ever and thus are much more difficult to control. The old copyright is not useful anymore because every piece of work become digital and digital staff spread like wildfire.

If the copies are free, the idea should be more rewarded. But, how much does an idea cost? That is the better and the worse of living connected. The inspiration and materials to carry out creative works are around, but some of them are untouchable although completely within reach. In the middle of such amount of information totally new ideas are almost impossible. How not being influenced  by any previous shared ideas?

In an ideal world nobody would appropriate another people’s ideas, and artist would not need to fight to get incomes from their job. Unfortunately, things are not always like that, and the laws are not changing as fast as the world.

For daily ideas a pretty useful solution is that the owner chose the desired future use of his/her creation. If only showed or also allowed to modify and reshare. The really complicated matter is to be fair with the people who used to live from intellectual property.

Media business (like music) should continue fighting to find their new place in a different ruled world. Adapt or die!.